Advantages and disadvantages of web applications for your company

Web applications are everywhere. Every day we use them for functions as basic as watching a movie, accessing a website or reading our favorite blog. But these applications not only serve to entertain us, but are excellent resources to optimize business activities in their various areas; For this reason, its development has become a good market niche.

In reality, if you have ever opened an online site, if you have used a program from your browser or even if you use an online search engine, you should already know what web application development company are and their uses for business or, at least, be familiar with them. they. These applications are tools available through browsers that serve to fulfill very specific functions: display content, facilitate online purchases, process data or manage information.

Although this may sound great for business, there are a few things to consider before implementing them. Know the advantages and disadvantages of its use in companies.

Advantages of using enterprise web applications

Whether you are thinking of developing your own web applications or want to make use of some of the offerings on the market, there are many benefits that make these solutions more competitive compared to downloadable software or more traditional tools. Let’s review some of them.

1. You can create your own tools

Creating a web application is a relatively simple task for an expert developer or programmer. Although, naturally, this depends on the complexity of the platform, its appearance and the resources behind it (such as databases or outsourced services).

To create a functional web application, one can write code using HTML to provide structure and content. CSS can then be used to style and design the HTML. While PHP or JavaScript can be used to add additional functionality and optimization, they are not strictly necessary. Developing a web application in this way using HTML, CSS and potentially PHP/JavaScript is often much cheaper than other options like purchasing a software license or hiring a third party developer. Once we build the web application, users can use and access it forever without incurring additional subscription or licensing costs. Overall, the text discusses how HTML and CSS provide a cost-effective way to build basic yet functional web applications that have ongoing low costs compared to alternative software options.

2. You do not require specialized equipment

To create and access a web application development you do not need any type of specialized equipment. The only thing you will require is a browser that can open the site. If you use Google Chrome, Safari, Edge or FireFox, surely you will have no problem getting your audience to enter and use your application.

This is also true when you are the customer. If you access a web application designed for online shopping, you will only need a browser with minimum requirements. Naturally, the speed of your internet connection and the processing capacity of your computer will affect the loading of the site, as well as the performance of its functions. But you don’t need to spend on expensive and complex equipment to make them work perfectly.

3. It works on a wide variety of devices

To the previous point it is added that web applications are usually responsive . This passage discusses the advantages of developing applications that can be accessed from any device. This passage discusses the benefits of developing applications to be accessible across multiple device types. Users find this experience more appealing because they can engage with the application from any location and at any time, rather than being constrained to only one device type.. This versatility enhances usability and makes the application more convenient and valuable to the end user. By developing applications with cross-device functionality, the user is given increased flexibility and mobility in their use of that application.

You will only need to access them through a browser, since mobile applications work differently and you must download them to your computer.

4. No installation required

You probably have everyday applications or programs installed on your mobile and desktop devices: Word, Spotify, Slack, YouTube or Telegram. These programs generally occupy large volumes of information on your computers and cause their performance to not be the best.

On the other hand, web applications have the great advantage of taking up only some cache space, since they execute in real time in a browser.Your customers will not have to download software on their system. Also, the speed will be determined by the servers and the speed of online transfer.  

5. They update automatically 

The download applications are constantly updated. This makes them have better performance and integrate more powerful functionalities. However, they require constant attention. Have you ever had to join a Zoom meeting urgently, but received the message that the program needs to be updated?

Web applications precisely counteract this problem, as they update directly from hosting, databases, and servers. Thus, you will always have a program ready to be used by your users, and you can constantly maintain it as the owner. Every time you enter the web address you access an optimized application.

Disadvantages of using web applications for companies

We have already seen some of the main advantages in the use and development of web applications, but not everything is hunky-dory. Before creating your own application, you need to consider some aspects that can slow down the success of your program. Let’s review them.

1. Development work is complex

Developing a web application is a relatively simple task. However, not everyone can develop a web application. On the contrary, it requires programming and web design personnel (and this implies a salary to pay).

Whether you hire someone exclusively to develop your application or have a dedicated staff, the process involves a significant investment of time, resources and effort. Your developer must know the programming languages ​​necessary for your application to do exactly what you need, as well as know about design and work with your sales, marketing or service teams.

2. They require maintenance

In addition to the previous point, you should not consider a web application finished when the site is launched. Instead, you should continuously optimize your application and regularly update the code, which is often essential.

Whether you have to adapt the site to new devices, have to increase the protection of your information or migrate to a new hosting, the staff will have to constantly attend to the performance of your site and be willing to improve both its function and its appearance. Programming a responsive page is more complex than a static one and is a factor to take into account.

3. They need an internet connection 

When you download a program to your computer, you can generally use all its tools, even if you are not connected to the internet. Or, in any case, only some require connection to download templates, images or files from your databases. 

On the other hand, when developing web applications, you will necessarily need a connection to access the site and to use most of its functionalities. This can be an issue for clients who work remotely or in locations without access to internet service. 

4. They are less visible

Popularizing a web application is a challenge for companies that develop online tools, due to the success that mobile applications have had in recent years and the long history of downloadable programs.

It is common for technology users to access application stores to download an application and take it everywhere on their device. On the contrary, web applications require users to access the site each time. 

5. It involves derived costs

To develop such applications, you need to pay regular fees for hosting services, servers, databases, and subscriptions to additional tools.

Mobile applications and downloadable programs have derived costs, but they differ from online digital solutions in type and frequency.

Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of web application development in business can help you create effective digital strategies or assess other tools for your business. At HubSpot we are here to accompany you.

Author: sathish

By sathish

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